About me...

Asad Naeem

Tell no                                                    (0092) 333 4471758
Email                                                     asad.naeem@gmail.com

DotNet engineer with 6 years of working experience in professional environment.During professional carrier I did improvements, performance & scalability problem-identification, rectification & tuning, and as lead manage plan activities, track plan & report to management. I have experience in .Net (C#, VB.Net), SQL Server, Crystal Reports, Infragistics, Proximex and Hibernate.



Development                                       .Net 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 (C#, VB), 2010 Java (J2EE), UML
Markup                                                  XML and HTML
Scripting                                                 JavaScript

.Net                                                         Window Forms, Silverlight 3.0, WPF, Web Services, ASP.Net
Java                                                       J2EE (basic), Annotation, Hibernate, Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Software Tools
Management and Plan                      MS Project, MS Office
Modeling and Design                         Rational Rose, Visio,
IDE                                                         Eclipse3.2, Visual Studio 200x, MS Expression Blend 3.0
Server                                                    JBOSS 4.2.0 (basic)
Reporting                                              Crystal Reports
Database                                              Microsoft SQL Server 200x, Postgress
Source Control                                     Visual Source Safe, CVS, Subversion (SVN)

3rd Party Tools
Window Forms UI Controls               Infragistics,
Web pages UI Controls                      Telerik, SmartGWT

Application Software
Proximex Surviellint

Operating Systems
Desktop                                                 Windows 98/XP/2K/7

Professional Experience

MCPM (Dubai) as Sr Software Engineer                                                                              June 2012 – Present

  • Project: ADPC (Abu Dhabi Khalifa Port Corporation) Automation – Change Management System
Description: It evaluates the change induced by the customer in order to facilitate the decision making as well as control the change cycle initiated by customer for any system interface or functionality of the Port Operating System on regular/periodic/intermittent basis.
Role: Sr Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: .Net4.0(C#), SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports
Framework and Design Patterns: ADO.Net Entity Framework

  • Project: ADPC (Abu Dhabi Khalifa Port Corporation) Automation
Description: Implementation of Vessel Traffic System (VTS), FIDS, Telephony, WLAN and LAN System in Proximex Software. Gathering systems details from clients and their implementation
Role: Integration Engineer
Tools and Technologies: Proximex Survillent as Surveillance Application.

Visionary Integrations as Sr Software Engineer & Team Lead                                      Feb 2011 – May 2012

  • Visited Client in Denmark in 2012 to gather his new requirement and supporting them.

  • Project: TenBook
Description: It handles the core system of Travelling. It creates bookings for the holidays of the customers and manages all the payments also.
Role: Sr Software Engineer and Team Lead
Tool and Technologies: .Net2.0(C#, Infragistics), Webservices, WSE3, SQL Server 2005
Framework and Design Patterns: MVC

  • Project: TPS (Ten Production System)
Description: It handles the admin system of Travelling. It creates contracts
Tool and Technologies: .Net3.5(C#), SQL Server 2005. Javascript, JQuery
Framework and Design Patterns: ADO.Net Entity Framework

  • Project: Cache Refresher
Description: It generates the URLs on the basis of different regions and pings them. The purpose of this application was to faster page loading.
Role: Sr Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: .Net3.5(C#)
Framework and Design Patterns: 3 Tier Architecture

Hirasoft Software Solutions as Sr Software Engineer                                                      Dec 2009 – Feb 2011

  • Project: DWAG (Download Wizard Silverlight)
Description: DWAG is a web application that allows exchange owners to download the contents of their packages (view, download). DWAG works simple document and folders instead of packages. It allows users to download regular (secure) and public (no authentication required) packages. DWAG is a browser based application with rich GUI and looks very similar to desktop based IntraLinks’ ClickOnce application’s download contents part. The primary focus for this application was ease of use and performance.  DWAG can be run in other browsers but ClickOnce was dependent on IE only.    
Role: Sr Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: .Net3.5(C#, Silverlight 3.0), MS Expression Blend 3.0
Framework and Design Patterns: MVVM, Prism

  • Project: ILCW (IntraLinks Courier Web)
Description: ILCW is a web application that allows exchange owners to manage their packages (send, receive, filter, delete and update etc). It also allows users to manage their address book for their own exchange.
ILCW works with packages instead of simple document and folders just like all other courier specific tools. It allows users to send regular (secure) and public (no authentication required) packages. ILCW is a browser based application with rich GUI and looks very similar to desktop based IntraLinks Courier Desktop Client.
The primary focus for this application was ease of use and performance. The concept of packages was specifically introduces for courier related products and all such products are assumed to work seamlessly with each other to give user a nice experience of web application suit.    
Responsibility: Project (Resource, Time and Task) Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Refactoring and completion of the tasks according to scrum plan.
·         Administration
Role: Sr Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: .Net3.5(C#, Silverlight 3.0), MS Expression Blend 3.0
Framework and Design Patterns: MVVM, Prism

  • Project: ILCW (HTML Version)
Description: ILCW HTML is a web application that allows exchange owners to manage their packages (receive).
ILCW HTML works with packages instead of simple document and folders just like all other courier specific tools. ILCW HTML is a browser based application with rich GUI and looks very similar to ILCW’s Inbox.

ILCW HTML Dropbox is a web application that allows user to send package to the dropbox owner.
It allows any user to send a package to a courier exchange owner. The courier exhchange owner should be able to enable the dropbox feature, generate an url for the dropbox using which end user should be able to send a package.
ILCW HTML Dropbox also works with packages instead of simple document and folders just like all other courier specific tools. ILCW HTML Dropbox is a browser based application with rich GUI and looks very similar to ILCW’s dropbox.

The primary focus for this application was ease of use. If Silverlight is not installed on user’s machine then the application will switch itself to HTML version.  

Responsibility: Project (Resource, Time and Task) Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Refactoring and completion of the tasks according to scrum plan.
·         Inbox
·         Dropbox
Role: Sr Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: Java, Javascript, HTML, GWT, Eclipse 3.2, Apache Tomcat
Framework and Design Patterns: MVP

Catalisse (Pvt.) Ltd as Sr Software Engineer and Team Lead                                                         Oct 2007 – Dec 2009

  • Project: Akessa (US Healthcare)
Description: Akessa is uniquely comprehensive software for Oncology management. No longer do Oncology offices need disparate solutions to manage what essentially is the unified workflow of cancer care. Addressing the complexities of Clinical and Business processes that are unique to oncology, Akessa delivers efficiencies that only a unified solution can provide.
U.S based B2C and B2B client server based application which is used to pursue the potential clients against any particular health care practice. This product has the modules like registration, scheduling, EMR, billing along with EDI based communication with Insurances.
Responsibility: Project (Resource, Time and Task) Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Refactoring and Releasing of the application according to scrum plan.
·         Administration
·         Scheduling
·         Registration
·         Task Management
·         EMR (Electronic Medical Record)
·         Inventory (basic)
Role: Sr Software Engineer + Team Lead (Scheduling + Registration Modules)
Tool and Technologies: .Net3.5(C#, Window forms), Infragistics, XML, Eclipse 3.2, Hibernate 3.1, Postgress 8.2, JBoss 4.0.5 (basic) etc.
Framework and Design Patterns: MVC, Abstract factory, Factory, Singleton

Clini Solutions as Software Engineer                                                                                       Oct 2005 – Sep 2007

  • Project: Practice Resource Management System & EMR (US Healthcare)
Description: Application provides flexibility and reliability to practice (hospital) in scheduling the appointments of patients with providers (doctor). It also helps them in billing and accounts.
Responsibility: Analysis, Design                               
Role: Software Engineer
·         Project Framework
·         Scheduling
·         Billing (Claims processing and payments)
·         Profiles
·         Reports
·         Patient Web Portal
Tool and Technologies: .Net1.1 (VB.Net, Window forms), SQL Server 2000, Crystal Reports, Infragistics Net Advantage 6.2, ASP.Net (basic)

  • Project: : Crystal Report run time settings
Description: All objects on report can be reset, resize at run time without redesigning the report. It is all done using XML file.
Responsibility: Analysis, Design, Implementation                            
Role: Software Engineer
Tool and Technologies: .Net2.0 (VB.Net, Window forms), XML, Crystal Reports, Infragistics Net Advantage 6.2

BTL Marketing Concepts as IT Manager                                                                                 Apr 2003 - Sep 2005

  • Project: Invoice – Quotation System (Account Management)
Description:  System generates invoices and quotations and manages also the invoices which are partially paid. Reports display data client wise and date wise.
Responsibility: Complete system analysis, design and implementation of their invoice and quotation system.
Technologies: VB.Net 2005, SQL Server 2000, Crystal Reports

  • Project: Lucky Draw System
Description:  This application was designed for Tetra Pak on behalf of company. It draws lucky numbers for the cities. The user selects the city name, prize name and the number for prizes. In an attractive way it starts shuffling the numbers and after 15 seconds it starts showing results. It generates reports city wise and date wise.
Responsibility: Complete system analysis, design and implementation
Technologies: VB.Net 2005, SQL Server 2000, Crystal Reports

  • Project: Sales Invoice System
Description: The application manages all the data about the sales invoice such as Products, Clients, Invoices, Salespersons, and Vans. It generates reports of vans, invoices, salespersons, clients and products.
Technologies: VB.Net 2005, SQL Server 2000, Crystal Reports


  • Subject: (IKMC) International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest Results
Description:  This application is designed for Abdus salam School of Mathematics (GCU Lahore).
The application:
·         manages the basic data about the competition such as cities, papers, classes, districts, schools and the results of all students. It generates reports of any number of top students paper wise, school list, school’s results paper wise.
·         after analyzing the results suggests the student to pay attention on the weak areas in mathematics
·         gives results about the cheating in the papers
Responsibility: gathering requirements, analysis, designing and implementation.
Technologies: VB.Net 2008, SQL Server 2005, Crystal Reports

  • Subject: SMS PC to Mobile
Description:  This SMS System is a powerful 2-ways SMS System Software which allows you to send and receive SMS from your PC. It connects to your GSM device (Mobile) and works like an email program with no any internet connection Schedule SMS is also provided. After first time of registration, no other mobile is allowed to connect with the system. Currently it connects only Nokia mobiles.
Responsibility: gathering requirements, analysis, designing and implementation
Technologies: VB.Net 2005, MS Access, Nokia SDK 3.0, DKU 5 USB Compatible Nokia Sets


2001 - 2003                          MSC Computer Science    (60.20%)
                                                 Quaid -i- Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

1998 – 2000                         BSC (84%)
                                                Government College University Lahore, Pakistan

1996 – 1998                         FSc (71.90%)
                                                Government College University Lahore, Pakistan

1994 – 1996                         Matriculation (Arts) (81.88%)
                                                Najaf Ideal High School (Private), Lahore, Pakistan


·         3rd Position in BSc in Government College University Lahore
·         Merit Certificate in BSc in Government College University Lahore
·         Merit Scholarships in FSc and BSc and MSc
·         Certificate from SMS in 2006 – Government College University Lahore
·         Gold Medal from SMS in 2007 – Government College University Lahore


Reference will be provided on demand

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